Grilled octopus with Colonna Mandarino oil

Image for Grilled octopus with Colonna Mandarino oil

Ingredients for 4:

  • 1 kg (2 1/4 lb) octopus
  • Mandarino oil
  • Chilli pepper
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Plunge the octopus 4/5 times into boiling water.

Boil over a high heat for 25 minutes then leave it in the water for a couple of hours.

Cut it into rounds and grill on a well-heated griddle pan with salt and olive oil.

Arrange on a dish with a sauce of garlic, salt pepper, chilli pepper, parsley and Mandarino oil.

Recipe by Massimo Riccioli.