The health benefits

Lower Blood Pressure


Wait? Fats that help our blood pressure?

Juliette Kellow, a Registered Dietitian, along with Dr. Sarah Brewer wrote a book named EAT BETTER LIVE LONGER – Understanding What Your Body Needs to Stay Healthy. On pages 130 and 131, Olive Oil is listed as a Wonderfood. They state, “Olive Oil is a well-known ingredient of the Mediterranean diet and has many bonuses related to cholesterol, blood pressure, age-related diseases, and cognitive function. The benefits don’t stop there though – it may also help to prevent certain types of cancer.”

Switching from butter to EVOO could help with blood pressure

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, for example, shows that olive oil can lower blood pressure and make blood pressure-lowering medications less necessary. The study involved 23 people on medication to control high blood pressure who were divided into two groups. Both groups ate a nutritionally balanced diet that was identical except for the oil used.

During the first 6 months, one group used olive oil and the other sunflower oil. During the last 6 months the two groups switched the type of oil they used. It was found that when the group used the olive oil, their systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure fell by an average of 7 points; but the sunflower oil had no effect.